
Wednesday, December 2, 2009

"Adopt A Family" SPECIAL SALE!

This year, We are Adopting a Family for Christmas. This Family (single Mom and 2 small kiddos) needs help paying bills this Holiday season. Please open your heart and help them have a good Christmas! The offers below are running until Dec 25. 100% of the money raised will be going directly to this family.

You may purchase a Gift Certificate to Ooh La La Photography (Shady Lane Studios) at 50% off! That's right, any amount up to $500 (so your cost would be $250) may be purchased for use in 2010!

Gift Certificates may be used for any session or package fee, or towards any print or digital image package. They must be used all at one time (if you have 1 Gift cert for $200 you must spend it all at once, but I am happy to do 2 $100 ones, etc) They may not be used on pre-booked sessions (if you have already booked and have a pending balance i.e. two part maternity/newborn session)

You may purchase 8x10 Digital images from your 2009 Session (Jan-November) for only $10 EACH. They come with a printing release as well, and will be emailed to you. This is an amazing value!

If we can raise $1000 before 12/25/09 I will enter everyone who donates to a drawing to win my "Honey I Shrunk the Kids" ($495 regular price) Package for 2010!

This family is wonder, sweet and giving - please help!

Donation Total as of 12/2/09 5pm: $110

1 comment:

  1. What an amazing way to share this holiday season! You're the best Lala!
